Portrait of Yaël Dayan by Axell in Tel Aviv

Surviving H1N1, a group exhibition presented at the Contemporary by Golconda gallery in Tel Aviv shows the “Portrait of Yaël Dayan” painted by Evelyne Axell in 1969.

 From April 29 till June 26, 2010
Dayan and Rouchon

Yaël Dayan, vice-maire of Tel Aviv and Guillaume Rouchon, curator.

Surviving H1N1 presents works by an international group of established and emerging artists, highlighting the inalienable interplay of inheriting and innovating in the context of post-war art. In combining pieces created specifically for the occasion with works executed throughout the second half of the 20th century, this exhibition examines generational issues in regards to post-modern practices.

Contemporary by Golconda
Curator: Guillaume ROUCHON
